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Call Now 1-888-845-9698’s rate analysis of up to six major insurers in nearly every ZIP code shows that you can save an average of $1,127 annually on a full coverage policy by comparing car insurance companies.


WE-TIRED.COM meets your needs by making your best interest the absolute highest priority for our team of experts and insurance analysts. We are behind the scenes doing all the research for you. This way you can quickly and easily buy or change your coverage with confidence. Our guide to finding the cheapest car insurance rates will help you find a policy that fits your particular situation while providing the coverage you need to be fully protected. Featuring our special auto insurance comparison guide, we will outline everything you need to know to shop for a policy without overpaying.

What is the best way to compare car insurance quotes?

In order to secure the lowest price on your car insurance, you need to compare auto insurance quotes to see which company has the most affordable rate. The cost of a policy can differ by hundreds, sometimes THOUSANDS, of dollars. Insurance companies use different methods when deciding how much you pay, so each will have a different price for your coverage. One of our Sponsored Client Consumer Analysts, the renowned Penny Gusner, has shared the following expert advice on comparing car insurance quotes:

  • Assess your coverage needs and decide how much insurance to buy
  • Compare the exact same coverage level
  • Compare at least three different auto insurance companies
  • Research customer satisfaction and claims handling, don’t choose only on price
  • Don’t cancel your existing coverage until you have a new policy in place

Best times to compare car insurance rates

Assess your car insurance cost at these times, when your rates are likely to change:

  • Purchasing a car
  • Adding or removing a driver from a policy
  • Marriage or divorce
  • Moving
  • Adding a teen driver
  • Buying a house
  • DUI or major violation
  • Accident
  • Change in credit score
  • Decreasing coverage